Team Building, Entertainment, Leadership Development

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Revolutionizing Workplace Benefits for Talent Retention
Blog Employees Professional Development

Revolutionizing Workplace Benefits for Talent Retention

In a job market where competition is intense, employers are reimagining their approach to attract and retain the best talent. Offering innovative employee benefits is at the forefront of this…
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How Business Owners and Leaders Can Unlock the Power of Collaboration for Their Organization
Blog Uncategorized

How Business Owners and Leaders Can Unlock the Power of Collaboration for Their Organization

Image Source: Pexels Timely and effective collaboration between employees is crucial for the success of any business. But, this is only possible through the creation of sound internal communication processes…
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5 Creative Ways to Keep Your Remote Workers Happy and Engaged

5 Creative Ways to Keep Your Remote Workers Happy and Engaged

Photo Credit: Pavel Danilyuk via Pexels Remote work is here to stay. It’s clear that many employees prefer working remotely, and it’s good for business too! Remote work leads to…
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Go Solo Story with Natalie Spiro

Go Solo Story with Natalie Spiro

Drum Cafe North America founder, Natalie Spiro, was recently featured in a Go Solo story by Subkit. “We demonstrate the power of creating a global community through the concept of…
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The Power of Music: A Pandemic Case Study
Blog Team Building

The Power of Music: A Pandemic Case Study

Some pandemic inspired research has turned up some fascinating data with very hopeful implications that we are excited to share with you. A team of social neuroscience researchers from Bar-Ilan…
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PODCAST: Rhythmic Drumming: Drumming Your Way To Success With Natalie Spiro

PODCAST: Rhythmic Drumming: Drumming Your Way To Success With Natalie Spiro

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A Little Rhythm Goes a Long Way
Benefits of drumming Blog Team Building

A Little Rhythm Goes a Long Way

We’ve all been there, we’ve attended traditional conferences with traditional speakers who, you guessed it, give their presentations from a traditional PowerPoint. And all of this is fine! But it’s…
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Drumming the Distance: Livestream Drumming for Team Building
Blog Team Building Team Leadership Development

Drumming the Distance: Livestream Drumming for Team Building

How exactly does a group event work when participants are separated by distance? Drumming the Distance is not new to us – here’s how we did it in six remote…
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Corporate Social Responsibility & Our New Team-Can-Jam Cajon Program
Blog Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility & Our New Team-Can-Jam Cajon Program

Corporate social responsibility has been defined in numerous ways. Typically when people are searching for corporate responsibility programs they bump into words such as “Sustainability”; “Customer Relationship Management”; “Corporate Governance”…
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Championing Change in the Workplace through Diversity & Inclusion
Blog Team Building

Championing Change in the Workplace through Diversity & Inclusion

“Diversity” and “inclusion” are two of the top buzzwords in many organizations as part of an initiative to broaden horizons and create a more supportive and positive corporate culture and…
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3 Benefits of Drumming as a Team Building Solution
Blog Team Building

3 Benefits of Drumming as a Team Building Solution

The power of drumming to reinforce a message is rooted in the non-verbal, experiential, immersive journey taken by each drumming participant. The barriers of language and culture are by-passed and…
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A Gift That Keeps on Giving
Blog giving

A Gift That Keeps on Giving

With the holiday season in full swing, we know how many moving parts exist behind the corporate scene. To many people, the holiday season brings profound joy and happiness, while…
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The Art of Effective Questioning
Blog Effective Questioning

The Art of Effective Questioning

Asking a question is one of the simplest ways of learning. We ask questions to gain powerful insights, to problem solve, to deepen connections and understanding of one another and…
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How to Approach your Next Sales Kick-Off Meeting the DCNA Way
Blog Sales Kick-Off Meeting

How to Approach your Next Sales Kick-Off Meeting the DCNA Way

Think back to your last “all-hands” meeting or even, last quarter’s sales meeting. Was it impactful? Did it resonate with your attendees? Did you see a boost in morale?  We…
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Benefits of Drumming
Benefits of drumming Blog

Benefits of Drumming

Our programs leverage the stunning power of rhythm to engage people quickly and emotionally, wherever (more…)
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Drum Cafe North America’s 4 Do’s for Planning Your Company Holiday Party
Blog Company Holiday Party

Drum Cafe North America’s 4 Do’s for Planning Your Company Holiday Party

With the holiday season fast approaching, it’s time to start planning your end-of-year company party. Whether you’re hosting this annual celebration at an off-site venue or keeping it onsite, you…
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5 Ways to Prevent Burnout in the Workplace
Blog Employees Burnout

5 Ways to Prevent Burnout in the Workplace

The Mayo Clinic defines workplace burnout as “a state of physical, emotional or mental exhaustion combined with doubts about one’s competence and work value.” We’ve all felt pressure on the…
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3 Strategies to Improve Productivity

3 Strategies to Improve Productivity

Summer is in full swing, and now is the time, more than ever, to improve productivity in the workplace. So many distractions or “noise” decrease engagement among and productivity in…
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6 Tips to Onboard Your Employees The Right Way
Blog Employee onboarding

6 Tips to Onboard Your Employees The Right Way

Because onboarding is so important, Drum Cafe North America and Blue Fire Leadership have created 6 tips to show how you can Onboard the Right Way. Tip #1: Make it…
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Onboarding Insights
Blog New hires Onboarding

Onboarding Insights

During the month of June, Drum Cafe North America is diving deep into strategies for training and onboarding programs across all verticals. As a team building company that works closely…
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